Tampa Bay Rocketry Association

​Group Launch Information

-- TBRA offers assistance to groups wishing to conduct a rocket launch. In order to accommodate groups without impacting normal launch operations, the following procedures apply.

​-- A request to attend must be submitted to the TBRA Prefect a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance of the scheduled launch event. The requestor must provide the group name, group leader’s name and contact information, approximate number of attendees, the desired launch date, and the approximate time of arrival.

​-- Each adult attending, either as a spectator or flyer, must sign a Landowner Waiver of Liability and a TBRA Liability Waiver, and provide them to the LCO or RSO on the day of the launch.

​​-- Attendees under the age of eighteen must provide a signed parental consent form to the LCO.

- The group leader is responsible for ensuring that all attendees are familiar with the TBRA rules and policies, and shall be responsible for the conduct of all group attendees.​

​All documents and forms may be downloaded, completed, and returned by mail or in person at any launch. Forms may be reproduced as needed. All participants and spectators need to be aware of our launch site rules and policies, which are included in the group launch application packet. If you need any additional information, please contact us by phone or email.