Tampa Bay Rocketry Association

University of Florida
​2017-2018 Student Launch Team

Photo courtesy of Jimmy Yawn

​​​​Student Launch is a research-based, competitive, experiential exploration activity. SL has partnered with the Centennial Challenges to provide relevant, cost-effective research and development of rocket propulsion systems. This project offers multiple challenges reaching a broad audience of middle and high schools, colleges and universities, and non-academic teams across the nation.

The program requires an eight-month commitment to design, construct, test, launch and successfully recover a reusable rocket and its scientific or engineering payload. Teams are chosen based on a comprehensive review of their proposal, which outlines their vehicle, its recovery system, payload, safety and educational engagement plans.

Throughout the process, students will engage in the same tasks and processes currently used by NASA, including a lengthy series of technical reviews mirroring current criteria in NASA’s engineering design lifecycle and safety protocols. In addition, student designs must align with current NASA projects, such as the Space Launch System and Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV).

Student Launch is managed by Marshall’s Academic Affairs Office with funding and leadership provided by NASA’s Office of Education, NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate and Orbital ATK’s Propulsion Systems Division of Promontory, Utah. The Centennial Challenges program is managed at Marshall and is supported by the Space Technology Mission Directorate.

To learn more about NASA’s Student Launch challenge, visit:

​                                                   http://www.nasa.gov/education/studentlaunch​​

University of South Florida
​2017 - 2018 Student Launch Team

Photo courtesy of Jimmy Yawn

Photo courtesy of Jimmy Yawn

NASA Student Launch