Tampa Bay Rocketry Association


​Hi everyone! Looking forward to this weekends 2 day launch. We have a lot in store.... The scouts will be on hand for food on Saturday.  There are some great launches planned and we have some awesome raffle prizes lined up. 

SET UP FRIDAY.......We will be setting up this Friday, 3/15/19, at 5pm. Anyone that could come out and help would be greatly appreciated.

Mike and I recently installed a new gate by the bathroom. Please use this gate to enter and exit the field. The landowner has been working on the roads into the property, please remember to keep your speed 10mph or slower.

And as always, thanks for your continued support, see you at the field!

Rick Waters 

From:   Steve Shannon Posted:26 Apr 2020 08:05 AM 

Subject: Coronavirus Precautions - Return to Launch Soon

On Tuesday, April 28th, the Tripoli Rocketry Association moratorium on group activities expires. As we slowly and carefully resume our rocketry activities, please consider the following:
Prefectures must follow all local health department rules applicable to their location. The local health department is just another AHJ. In order to make sure all local health department rules are followed, Prefects or Launch Directors should contact their local health department for clearance before holding their first launch. Please help them understand that:

· Our hobby should be considered as an Outdoor Recreation which easily supports Social Distancing.
· Our launches are not a Public Assembly.

Be sure to document the name of the person you speak to and the date and time of your conversation. If possible get them to send you an email granting you permission to proceed and listing any restrictions they impose.

We all have a responsibility to keep clean common surfaces that might transfer the coronavirus, such as interiors and door handles of porta-potties, surfaces of inspection tables, and launch equipment. Although flyers are expected to bring their own masks, cleaning wipes, and hand sanitizer, Prefectures should plan on having extras.

If it's possible to avoid or even eliminate common contact surfaces, that's even better. For instance, it’s not necessary for rocket inspectors to touch rockets during inspection. Inspectors can direct the flyer to demonstrate whatever is needed. Also, find ways to safely transfer flight cards. This may require sanitizing your hands before and after handling them.

Make a list of attendees (spectators and flyers) to enable contact tracing if an attendee is later diagnosed as positive for Covid-19.

Prefects or Launch Directors should communicate the following rules and any other rules required by the local health department (such as number of persons allowed) to your members before the launch. You should also reinforce them during the launch with onsite signs:

1. Social distancing is required.
2. Masks must be worn when social distancing cannot be ensured, such as working with a pad manager.
3. At the Prefect's, Launch Director's, or RSO's discretion, people who fail to protect others by using Social Distancing or masks may be sent away.
4. Sanitize hands frequently, especially before and after touching surfaces that may be touched by others.
5. Anyone who does not feel well, or those who are at-risk individuals, or who have at-risk members in their households, should not attend.

Steve Shannon


​Hi everyone! Hoping for some good weather this weekend at the 12th Annual Buc Blast.

And as always, thanks for your continued support, see you at the field!

Rick Waters 


​Hi everyone! As expected this time of year, last month's launch brought a little windier conditions than we would have liked. But the dedicated fliers stuck it out and there were many great flights. Quite a few of our great local colleges were there, PolyTech, UCF, UF, and USF. It's great to see the wonderful participation of the programs they have in place. You can see many of their flights here. Thank you so much Jimmy Yawn for all the photos and videos.

​We are truly excited about our new wireless system that we are starting to implement at the field. Again, we can't thank Robert Synoski enough for his hard work on this project.

Five years ago I had the honor of getting together with a small group of rocketeers from USF, which became what we all know today as the SOAR team from USF. They have done many great projects they should be very proud of. None more so than their 2 stage rocket (TAURUS). An idea that their president at the time (Matt Chzanowski) had a vision of building this behemoth. Well, it finally took to the skies on April 20, 2019 sporting an N to an L on it's maiden flight. It was nothing short of spectacular! You can see all of the photos and onboard video here. Thank you Dan Schwitalla. There were hundreds of hours put into this project, and there are plans to fly it in on even larger motors in Kansas at LDRS later this year. Special thanks just to name a few...Matt Chzanowski, Nick Conde, Logan Sveum, Jonathan Fitzer, Stephanie Bauman, Jamie Waters, Jackson Stephenson, John Daughtery. And also our local group of gurus, Gary Horwood, Robert Synoski, Jim West, Mike Nipper and Dan Schwitalla. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Effort equals results!!

Lastly, as many of you know, we lost Candice's mom on April 24, 2019. Candice and I would like to thank all of you for your outpouring of support. This has been a very difficult time for us. Thank you for the bottom our hearts for being there for us.

And as always, thanks for your continued support, see you at the field!

Rick Waters​ 




​Hi everyone! I'd like to first start off by thanking the Boy Scouts, Troop Number 711, from Lakeland, for taking care of us. As usual, the food was great guys!

Congratulations to the USF SOAR team. They had an incredible week at the NASA Student Launch in Huntsville, AL, winning first place for the best looking rocket, voted on by their peers. Great job guys!

​Although the weather was suspect, we actually had a great day of flying last month. We will not be having a 2 day launch until the Buc Blast in October. We were going reschedule for this upcoming weekend, but Sunday is Easter and we feel that is a time for family. We will be flying on Saturday , April 20th though.

Now on to some TTRA business. I would like to AGAIN reiterate an issue that has recently come to light. Any group or person planning to launch any rocket must be certified at the level in which they are flying, or be attempting that level certification flight. Very simply put, if a person or a group is planning to fly a level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 flight, that person, or someone in that group must be certified at that level. This does NOT mean the mentor or advisor of a group can use his or her credentials. This is a very simple rule. TTRA believes that your certifications are a paramount part of understanding model rocketry. If you have any questions or concerns about this issue, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Jim West. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. We feel this is necessary for the knowledge and safety of everyone involved.

And as always, thanks for your continued support, see you at the field!

Rick Waters