Tampa Bay Rocketry Association
Overnight camping at the launch site is available during our 2-day launch events, with the advance permission from the Prefect and the landowner. Camping is the primitive type, there are no facilities or utilities other than our outhouse. Generators are not permitted. Permission to camp on the field rests with the Prefect and the landowner, and may be rescinded without notice. Requests to camp must be submitted to the Prefect no later than 2 weeks prior to the event.
All fires MUST be in an above ground, self-contained receptacle designed for this purpose, NO ground fires are permitted.
Firewood may be gathered on the property, but ONLY from trees/limbs that have already fallen. DO NOT cut any standing timber, regardless if it is live or dead.
Fires will NOT be left unattended at any time.
Travel into or out of the field after dark is NOT permitted, except for emergencies.
If you do need to leave the field after dark you MUST be escorted by a TBRA officer, who will be responsible for ensuring the ranch gate(s) are closed. Be especially alert for cattle standing or laying in the road. DO NOT sound the vehicle horn to try to get the cattle to move. Slap the outside of the vehicle door repeatedly, and they will move off the road, at their own pace.
DO NOT use vehicle headlights after dark, use the parking lights only. Headlights will confuse the cattle, and they will refuse to move.
All persons camping overnight must remain in the general area of the launch site. We are not permitted to roam around the property after dark.